Flowing with a tide is easy, herd instinct is also an elementary feature of human behaviour. However, these artificial comfort zones may not always be the best thing for you, your own surroundings or maybe even the city, country or even the world.
The world is addicted to LED lights. But they emit optical radiation that could, in certain circumstances, potentially damage the eyes and skin. Chronic exposure to LED lights can speed up the ageing of retinal tissue, leading to a decline in visual acuity and an increased risk of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). While use in moderation can hardly be a big risk, excess and continuous use can be a real threat. CFL bulbs produce fewer UV rays and are more energy efficient than bright white incandescent and fluorescent tube bulbs.
But the lights are only half the story, the packaging or casing matters. The ethnic appeal of terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps has the added advantage of environmental safety and cutting down on greenhouse gases inbuilt. To change into a terracotta lifestyle marks a welcome departure from the herd instinct that clouds our minds and doesn’t allow us the freedom of choice.

Switching was never easier though than it is now, with Tranceterra offering a myriad of designs in terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps to suit every mood, every quirk or every dream. With a click of the thumb from the comfort of your easy chair, Tranceterra home delivers the lamps, lanterns and everything else right to your door.
If one were to ask an assortment of several people from different parts of the world, “Would you change to terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps for redecorating your house or office or farm house?” The reply would be almost evenly divided but if the same group is asked, “Would you change to Terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps in your house or office or farmhouse to reduce global warming and check environmental decline?” I can bet the odds would hugely tilt in favour of the idea.
This is because the threat of global warming is already causing massive disasters worldwide. People see it as a real and present danger, and rightly so. Therefore, any move to cut down the pollutants and harmful emissions will appeal to almost any reasonable person today.
Terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps all have two things in common. One the base material is the same and two, they call for a huge shift in mindset to adopt. Used as we are to fluorescent lights, LED bulbs and other artificial light sources in the familiar casing, we are unaware of the harm we cause to the environment when they are used simultaneously almost everywhere by almost everybody.
If we use the same lights/bulbs but just switch to Terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps to house them, the difference would be quite substantial. An eerie-ethnic feel emerges from terracotta pendant lamps, terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps that sit well with people who are used to the blinding glare of conventional lighting, day and night, in the hum and cacophony of civilization as we experience in the modern day, and would love to unwind in a cool and calm relaxed atmosphere after a hard day’s work or maybe after some heavy partying or celebrating, which is very common, especially with the younger folk nowadays.
Halls, bedrooms, living rooms, porches and corridors all make ideal places for terracotta lights – easily visible and noticed and also easily admired for the ethnic aura and comfortable, homely and relaxed atmosphere they create. The magic is felt almost instantly when people enter the romantically lit room or corridor or any other place illuminated by down-to-earth, nostalgic terracotta hanging lamps, terracotta lanterns, terracotta lamp shades or terracotta wall lamps.
Without distractions of furniture and fixtures, the pendant light will rule the roost in corridors or porches and outhouses in twilight or even pitch darkness. For the bedroom or living room, symmetrical groups of terracotta wall hanging lamps will weave the ethnic magic for sure.
Get out of the herd, turn against the tide. Click on Tranceterra and enjoy the ride.