How to clean clay pots for cooking? How to clean a clay water bottle? How to clean earthen curd pots? These are vital questions that need answers before you switch to a terracotta cooking lifestyle. The ground rule is that to hygienically use terracotta cooking vessels you will need to soak them overnight, wipe them with a cloth and apply castor oil on the inside. Then you will need to slightly heat them and switch off the flame. Apply and heat another 2 or 3 times. When slightly heated, castor oil gets absorbed. Castor oil and rice starch make the walls of the utensil strong. Thereafter the vessel can be used to cook vegetables, meat or other items. Now that we know how to clean clay pots for cooking, the next important thing to focus on is how to clean a clay water bottle. Just as there is a method to use clay cookware as explained above, even clay water bottles need to be maintained.
A majority of homes in India, rural and urban, till today store their drinking water in terracotta clay water vessels. Hence, it is important to learn how to clean a clay water bottle. It is a fact that tradition plays a role in this practice, but another very important aspect certainly is the health benefit of drinking water stored in clay water bottles. Therefore, now that you are clear about how to clean clay pots for cooking, you need to brush up on how to clean a clay water bottle before and after use. On the subject of why to store water in terracotta water bottles, the primary reason for that, is that clay water bottles retain the minerals and vitamins in the water and add a cool earthy taste as an added bonus. Also, the alkaline nature of clay offsets the acidic nature of human bodies, thereby creating the perfect PH balance, which in turn helps reduce acidity and gastric pain that some people often suffer from. Water stored in clay bottles is also beneficial for those who are having weight issues or those who are fighting against obesity. Terracotta clay water bottles are non-toxic, unglazed, and absolutely safe to use. Drinking water stored in terracotta clay water bottles can boost metabolism and improve the taste of the liquid as well. This can also improve digestion and enhance good health due to the minerals present in water. A Terracotta clay water bottle is easy to clean, you need to just use hot water and a gentle non-abrasive cleaning pad. Do not use metallic scouring pads and do not clean with soap or detergents. You need to fill your clay water bottle with equal parts white vinegar and warm water and leave it to soak overnight. The next day, you will need to rinse the clay water bottle out and give it a soapy scrub with your brush to ensure there's no lingering vinegar taste. Don’t forget to wash your terracotta clay water bottle thoroughly every 2 to 3 days or even daily, to avoid any kind of fungus or deposit to remain inside it and also to keep its pores open for cooling properly. Keep a plate or a stand underneath the vessel to accumulate the seeping water from the terracotta clay water bottle and to avoid spilling of water on the platform or floor. Coming now on the subject of how to clean earthen curd pots, the process is a little different from cleaning clay pots for cooking. To clean earthen curd pots you have to fill them with warm water and leave them overnight. The next day, earthen curd pots need to be washed with a mild detergent only. You can even apply coconut oil after a wash and heat it for good measure. Because Terracotta is porous it can absorb water. So when you make curd in a terracotta curd pot, it absorbs the water. To make curd, you will have to bring the milk to a boil in the vessel and let it cool for some time then add the yogurt starter to it and mix. Always remember the milk should neither be too hot or cold. The pot should be kept in an undisturbed and warm place for a few hours. The curd you get will be thick and creamy with great taste. In the modern day, terracotta clay cooking pots, clay water bottles, terracotta cups and terracotta curd setters make for a cleaner, healthier and eco-friendly lifestyle. Global warming can be greatly contained at the grassroots if terracotta lifestyles are adopted by individuals and families. Terracotta lifestyle will make your earth a better place to live in even as it will add an ethnic flavor to your household or place of work or recreation. was born to promote and further this objective and one visit to the site may transform your thinking and change your perspective on healthier living and ethnic style.