

Climate change is a proven man-made disaster that has brought the planet to the brink. We get so used to certain bad habits that they become unconscious and sub conscious actions after a while. The logic that makes them toxic fades. We know that storing food in plastic is not good and clay pots are a better option hands-down, logically. But we don’t make that change as we are conditioned to use plastic and metal. Clay pots are also the better cooking option as it preserves food value, enhances taste and supports health but we still use steel or metal vessels and refuse to change our lifestyle.

What is required is to embrace clay pot usage by moving out of our comfort zone and daring to be different. Rest assured once we start using clay pots, it too will, after a while, become a habit when the initial discomfort is dispensed with.

As we gradually see and feel the difference in our own health and well-being from clay pot cooking and clay pot storage, we will realize that we did the right thing and the pain of change was worth it. Take cooking for instance. Clay pots are porous in nature which helps in spreading the heat equally throughout the dish. They take longer cooking time than usual but retain the moisture and nutrients of food inside the pot. Besides, they add an earthy flavor to food too.

Besides the cooking part, even storage of food and water in clay pots is a great health friendly idea. Drinking water from a clay pot “helps in improving metabolism“. “The body’s natural metabolic system is boosted with water stored in a clay pot,” an expert said. Forget refrigerating your water, store it in clay bottles or clay pots for “perfect temperature levels”.

Artificially cooled water in a fridge is a bad drinking habit in strict health terms. But here too the transition to clay pot drinking water will be herculean task. Our conditioning has harmed the environment. Clay pot water is also good for your heart’s health and the water stored in terracotta bottles are gentle on the throat too. Investing in good terracotta drink and kitchenware will benefit you greatly in the long run.

Refrigerators, microwave ovens, television screens, cellphones etc. are all great inventions of convenience but the price we pay in terms of degradation of environment and greenhouse gases is unseen physically, but huge practically. Of course, we have not invented clay pots to double as phones or TV screens…yet, but the oven and the fridge can certainly be shown the door by and by.

Besides cooking clay pots have other uses too. They make great potted plant material.   Terracotta is frost-resistant, breathable and porous, and offers particular advantages to growing plants. The fired clay is what makes terracotta breathable as it absorbs water and releases it again for nice strong growth. Equally, terracotta adds aesthetics with its natural look and feel.

Are Terracotta Pots Better for Plants Than Clay pots? That is a natural question to ask. While both clay and terracotta pots are good for plants it depends on the plant you’re working with, especially when it comes to watering. Terracotta pots will soak up more moisture, so they’re best for plants that are not super thirsty.

However, sometimes the advantage of terracotta can also be a disadvantage. One of the main disadvantages of this material is, paradoxically, its porous nature. Since terracotta is porous, it absorbs a lot of dirt quite easily. Therefore, where cooking is concerned, vessels need to be cleaned thoroughly before reuse. To clean terracotta, clay pots let the cookware soak for at least 15 minutes. For general and deep cleaning, allow the earthen pot to soak overnight in the sink in water mixed with baking soda. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of hot water. Wash it using a soft bristle brush or non-metallic scrubbing pad. Maintenances is essential but it is worth the effort you may understand.

Are we becoming cavemen then? Oh no! it’s all about balance. A delicate switchover that can help us live longer healthier lives and also do the planet a good turn in the bargain.

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